Creativity is underrated, and will be the highest leverage asset of the future

Creativity is underrated, and will be the highest leverage asset of the future

June 13, 2023

No. This article will not promise to make you more creative. But if you’ve been a creative person, it will spark in you a glimpse of hope, and recognition, for this high leverage skill that almost no one has in industrial quantities, in make-a-business out of it amount.

Creativity cannot be taught, but can be awaken, and entertained. It can be defined as a child-like spirit of curiosity that turns into ideas (often disruptive) since the child-like mind thinks from a perspective of non-deja-vu. Like a newborn child for who everything can seem possible.

That mind plasticity, with high percentage of grey matter not confiscated by already acquired patterns of thinking, can help think without indoctrination within the limits of imagination, which can be basically none. Even in more authoritarian patterns of thinking, creativity still remains possible, since, even within a framework, a timeframe, and a set guideline, creativity creates possibilities, like fractals, within such frame.

No, consumable substances that have been praised to give ideas, will not generate pure creativity. That’s called hallucination, and disturbs, and disrupts the mind, in ways that can even be under-productive, when not highly detrimental to human cognition, with long lasting effects, that can condition a lifetime of consequences, and suffering. One has not got better sleep just because after wake up he has taken a coffee. Or one doesn’t get better at sprinting, after getting doped. Creativity will be innate to the human, and will be intrinsic to the capabilities of the person to remain in an as much as possible sober state 24/7, in which he will explore his surroundings, guided by his curiosity, nature, and encounters, in a mix that will sparkle ideas, and joy.

So, yes, you can keep alive that child-like mind. Push back on the status quo that made you believe you have been bad at drawing, get back to work on your guess-the-shape-of-a cloud skills, walk on ponds of water on a rainy day, make a chewing gum bubble again till it explodes, watch your favorite cartoon from childhood, that movie that makes you cry. Play with your mind plasticity, and it will reward you. And, sometimes, without even trying, you will find yourself to get imaginary, creative thoughts, without the lost of ground connection, and reality, in a way that sparkles your inner creativity to the limits of imagination: none.

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