Oi triumphs with its implemented identity for tomorrow

Oi triumphs with its implemented identity for tomorrow

April 14, 2023

Saying Oi in Latin America is talking about the largest telecommunications company on the continent. It was born in 1998 as a new mobile telephony division of Telemar. From the beginning, its objective was to distinguish itself in a market dominated by static and formal companies that could do anything. Its short and simple name means 'hello' in Brazil, in a colloquial language.

Fifteen years later, Oi has eaten up all the other companies in the sector in Brazil, its country of origin, swallowing up Brasil Telecom and managing to attract numerous customers from competitors. Today, 75% of its subscribers have come from other operators, surely tempted by a refreshing communication strategy in a world where everything was monotonous and well known.

The 2001 logo was a yellow bubble inscribed with the company name in lower case. This bubble reminds us of the 'sandwiches' from comics, an international icon of the form of spoken communication, and it is pleasant for the viewer. These characteristics make it a friendly, close, soft, touchable identity, full of sensuality and simplicity. Surely this visual strategy is one of the great responsible for the success of the company.

Typography was also directed to this end . It's round, bold and the stem of the 'i' is bulged, giving it a balloon look, it almost seems to be filled with helium. According to the identity manual, this and the isotype are inseparable.

With his strategy, Oi managed to be so powerful that in 2007, Telemar began to take his name. And Wolff Olins was the studio in charge of redesigning the company's identity. The identity they presented was characterized by being flexible. 6 variations of the shape created in 2001 were designed . Its soft and softened lines make us feel that it is pleasing to the eye and to the touch. It lacks sharp angles.

In 2016, a new identity implementation is again designed by Wolff Olins, this time in collaboration with the Futurebrand studio. The previously mentioned variants have increased from 6 to 70, with 3 different color gradients in different shades , which makes the variations even more dynamic and thus the dynamism of the logo. It does not lose sight of the model designed in 2001 or the forms created in 2007

This new extension of imagotypes is combined with animation of the logo for use in televised campaigns or on digital platforms with a video option. The accompanying typeface established in the identity manual is Simplon BP and consists of 3 variants: Light , Regular and Medium . This font has a technological air very appropriate for this argument. In the case of using a support incompatible with Simplon BP, Arial would be used.

A set of 50 icons has also been developed to accompany communication. These icons match well with the Simplon BP because of their simple shapes with straight ends and because of their stroke width.

Even though it is an identity that consists of numerous elements -icons, typography, bubbles and colors- it is still a strong and coherent brand. Oi is still Oi. Tomorrow who knows

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