Maru, a metamorphic logo, in search of perfection

Maru, a metamorphic logo, in search of perfection

April 14, 2023

The Ogilvy & Mather division in Istanbul has been commissioned to design the logo for the Turkish architecture studio Maru, also Turkish. In particular, Mehmet Demirel, art director, and Selim Unlusoy, creative director, have been in charge of its creation.

Maru considers herself a brand perfectionist . Hence its name means 'perfection' in Japanese. Thus, the company's philosophy has been transmitted through these five lines. Being parallel, symmetrical and forming a hexagon, it's a good way to introduce that principle into the logo. This is distinguished by being modular and variable . The hexagon is divided into five equidistant vertical lines with rounded edges. In this way its impact is softened and it is more pleasant, like the living spaces that Maru designs

In turn, they are segmented according to an invisible grid to play and create shapes thanks to two main line thicknesses, one thick and one thin. Optical corrections have been madefor the case in which the five lines are at their maximum thickness, making them thinner so that their weight corresponds to those versions that combine thin and thick lines. Thanks to these combinations, the Latin alphabet and numbers can be created, for application, for example, on business cards, signage panels and other uses. The infinite possibilities allow the logo to be varied according to its uses and ensure the geometric finish that the company demanded.

Not only the isotype is important. Also the typography of the title has been chosen to combine perfectly with the geometric structure. A sans serif in a tall box with rounded ends has been chosen , a characteristic that allows it to perfectly match the isotype.

Thin, in a thickness between that of the thin and thick lines of the isotype, the typography gives prominence to its randomness and its graphic load. The spacing between characters allows them not to clump together and to be more ethereal, visually lighter, since the five lines already have enough visual weight. It is like a helium cloud on which a hexagonal polished diamond rests, in perfect balance, an allegory of the structures that allows Maru to build, a hymn to perfection, to modularity, to the lightness of the design and the minimalism that it transmits to through his philosophy.

The claim, Archi Technology , refers to the technological process behind Maru's work. It is an innovative brand, at the center of the present that looks to the future. The hexagon divided into lines of different thicknesses and the animations that Ogilvy & Mather remind us of an equalizer with which to balance bass, bass and treble. After this design, the identity of Maru is fine-tuned for many years.

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