Harmony of Ideas: The Synchronized Existence of Creative Expression

Harmony of Ideas: The Synchronized Existence of Creative Expression

August 15, 2023

Ideas, as abstract as they can inherently be, have not followed our guidance since they have had their own rhythm, appearing when the universe has considered it a good timing. This intriguing notion can challenge the role of designers as creators, and idea creators, if we can consider at all that we haven’t been the ones to act as catalysts between the universe, and the reality around us raising the question: are we mere observers of this captivating exercise? Active participants in its creation?

Consider how catching an idea resembles capturing a flying dandelion – a blend of timing, and circumstance. Possibly called luck. Just as catching dandelions hasn’t been exclusive to one person, ideas can be simultaneously grasped by multiple minds. This multiplicity, and synchronicity has been evident throughout history, like the emergence of smartphones, and tablets around the same period, illustrating how ideas often bloom in sync.

This phenomenon has not been solely related to technology, and the technology era. Long before the digital age, simultaneous revelations have occurred, transcending time, and space. Think of the invention of calculus by Isaac Newton, and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. And the concept of evolution independently formulated by Charles Darwin, and Alfred Russel Wallace. These examples can highlight the universal nature of idea appearance.

This complex manifestation of principles, and generators of change, and evolution, known as Simultaneous Conception, insists on the interconnectedness of the human experience. Ideas, like different threads woven into a tapestry, create a result. That has been thanks to multiple influences of the innate lifelong experience of the individual, as well as general culture, and education. It's a testimony to the creative harmony shaped by the minds that have comprised the world.

This perspective, while somewhat empowering, carries both liberty, and responsibility. The prospect that an original idea can slip through our grasp is humbling, yet it can free oneself from the pressure of capturing every passing notion. That has also been a result of the filtering we apply to our creative mind, our bias, and preferences. The selective individual can, in that case, be considered, a more self-assessed thinker, yet remains a translator of the nature of the universe, though his actions, as a catalyst of time, and results. As a servant of creativity, one can nurture ideas, and provide fertile space for their eventual emergence.

One can only wonder how lucky one can be to be able to act on ideas, and celebrate its natural elegance. Much like watching something happening, one can admire ideas appearing into the collective thought, and reality. As one looks at the nature that surrounds the world, and imagines in one’s mind, one can recognize that while one may not dictate the thinking steps, one can contribute to its collective performance.

As one of the greatest creatives of the last years once marked, the best moment to get inspiration can be while one works at their creative endeavor. So let’s embrace our passion for creativity, balance our dedication to the matter, and let nature to its timely thing. Maybe one day one can realize the long lasting legacy that has been left through one’s actions as an individual creator in a collective world, that will have permeated through the porous nature of what makes us human, and what will push humanity, and nature, forward.

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