Hunting for Luck: Unraveling the 4 Types of Luck and the Path to Fortune

Hunting for Luck: Unraveling the 4 Types of Luck and the Path to Fortune

July 25, 2023


Luck has always influenced our lives in mysterious ways. In "Chase, Chance, & Creativity: The Lucky Art of Novelty," Dr. James Austin claimed that there are four forms of chance. As we go through life, we encounter many types of luck. This article discusses the four sorts of luck and their phases, encouraging readers to "I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it."

4 Luck Types

1. Blind Luck: Completely out of Your Control

Life's pure unpredictability is blind luck. This includes our birth, parents, and life situations. This luck includes "Acts of God" like natural calamities and unexpected events. These incidents demonstrate the universe's randomness and chance.

2. Luck from Motion:

Hard Work and Energy in Action Luck from Motion thrives on life ecosystem movement and collisions. Hustle and energy boost luck surface area. Lucky events increase with global engagement. Luck is most prevalent in our 20s, when we hustle for chances.

3. Luck from Awareness: Spotting Luck with Knowledge:

Awareness creates luck. Experience helps us position ourselves for fortuitous breaks. Our experience allows us to identify luck a mile away and capture chances others may miss. As knowledge and experience improve our decision-making, this form of luck increases throughout our 30s and beyond.

4. Luck from Uniqueness:

Attracting Specific Luck Luck from Uniqueness comes from our quirks, interests, lives, and motor habits. Embracing our uniqueness attracts chances that fit us. This chance seeks people whose acts and decisions show their originality, regardless of age.

Luck Stages

Our luck develops in stages

1. Type 1 - Blind Luck governs our early years, where we are subject to random occurrences and chance events.

2. Type 2 - Luck from Motion dominates our 20s, as we hustle and create opportunities through continuous action.

3. Type 3 - Luck from Awareness comes to the fore in our 30s and beyond, as our understanding and experience help us identify and seize lucky breaks.

4. Type 4 - Luck from Uniqueness seeks people who stand out, regardless of age.


When making judgments, use the Luck Razor to maximize luck. To attract particular luck, study, engage, and accept your individuality. Thomas Jefferson rightly observed that the harder we work, the more luck we seem to have. Active, curious, and unique people succeed. So let us venture forth, hunting for luck in its various forms, as we navigate through the labyrinth of life, and may serendipity grace our endeavors along the way.

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