Superfoods Around the Globe: Eating our way to Wellness for Life

Superfoods Around the Globe: Eating our way to Wellness for Life

August 21, 2023


In our search for optimal health, and productive longevity, one can start a journey to discover some of the most nourishing foods that nature can offer around this planet. The nutritious advantages of some of these products have traveled across borders, and many can be found today in our local markets, on the internet, and even in our garden, if we’re lucky to have made one.

Of course, the secrets of a healthy lifestyle go beyond what can be eaten, and will be essentially based of healthy habits, routines, and a healthy environment, as well as nurturing, and emotionally balanced, and healthy, relationships.

On this article, we’ll present a few of these health packed ingredients. Some of them more well known, some other less known. All delicious, nutritious, and healthy. Of course, whenever possible, go for options grown without harmful pesticides that can hurt the environment, and equally importantly, your health. So whatever fruit you eat, make sure it’ll be clean.

South America:

One of the most diverse places on the planet for fruits, vegetables, and food. From the Argentinian pampas, to the highest peaks of the Andes, the Amazon rainforest, and the wetlands of the Caribbean. The amount of food rich in nutrients that has been documented so far has been amazing.

Quinoa, renowned for its very complete proteins has essential nutrients, and has remained a basic ingredient on the menu of many dishes, mostly in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. It has been widely harvested since the pre-Columbian times, and has been one of the basic ingredients used in the Inca empire that has spread across South America before the colonisation.

Copaçu, a tropical fruit, that grows in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, has been documented to be one of the most healthy fruits in the world, filled with antioxidants, and, yes, healthy fats. It has been reported that this fruit has been a close relative to cocoa. And experiments have been successfully made chocolate from copoaçu beans.

Camu camu has been another subtropical fruit with great benefits. The plant which produces this berry produces in it a huge amount of vitamin C. Similarly to other vitamin C filled fruits, the taste can be quite acidic.

Lucuma. A lot of people have included this fruit in their list of must try. And once they have tried it, they have often become frequent consumers. The soft sweetness of it carries a great amount of vitamins, and minerals. In South America, it has been mostly consumed in juices, ice creams, and other sweets. And around the globe, it has also been used as a natural sweetener, great for people with low sugar requirements, and sugar sensitive people.


Another rich continent in fruits, and superfoods. From the rich ocean surrounding South East Asia, to the densely packed rainforests of Borneo, this very productive land hosts a variety of tropical fruits, and sea produce which can be hard to find elsewhere. It has also been one of the areas in the world with the longest life expectancies, like South Korea, and Japan. Once again, that has been according to averages, and what one can reach through a healthy lifestyle, often goes beyond the norm, wherever one lives.

Kombu seaweed. A long time menu item in many dishes on the eastern side of the continent. Not only Kombu, also other varieties of algae carry great benefits with them. Their healthy iodine, and crucial minerals, can be key in balancing any diet. They also have contributed greatly to decarbonisation.

Spices, and herbs. It has been no secret that Asia has been the pivotal centre of the spices for many years, establishing it as a central good, used in international trade since records have existed. Spices have been used as a way to bring flavour to dishes, yet, they bring also all sorts of health benefits. They have also been used formerly as currency in international trade, and driven commerce wars, and conflicts for its use.

Spices, and herbs, like turmeric, ginger, ginseng, cumin, mint, and others, have been venerated for their medicinal attributes. They can strengthen the immune function of the body, and have been widely used in traditional medicine.


Europe also showcases some very healthy, and nutrient packed ingredients. From the Mediterranean basin, the western Atlantic coasts, rich in ocean produce, the mountain formations across its geography, and traditional culture that has expanded across time, it has developed some of the most health conscious diets in the world: the Mediterranean diet. Rich in vegetables, fruits, olive oil, and the derivatives of grape production, Europe counts some of the highest life expectancies in the world.

Olive oil. Worldwide acclaimed for its heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and anti-inflammatory characteristics, it holds a special place. Produced, and traded since the times of the Phoenicians, Romans, and other cultures, it has been a greatly important component of Mediterranean culture.

Citrus fruits. Long days of sun, create a wide array of citrus varieties: lemons, oranges, grapefruits, and more. They emerge as rich sources of vitamin C, and antioxidants, fortifying the immune system.

Garlic, well known for its immune-enhancing, and cholesterol-regulating qualities, has also been a must of ingredients in European culinary traditions.


Africa may have been one of the less well known areas for most mainstream health oriented people, as for many other subjects. It has been out of the radar for most people, yet, holds a great value in variety of amazing ingredients to boost your immune health, and also delicious to enjoy.

Baobab fruit brings a very high content in vitamin C, can be used in juices, bakery, ice creams, and more. It has also been documented as rich in antioxidants.

Millet, a versatile grain, similar to quinoa, can provide a high supply of vital minerals, and nutrients, which have made it a staple across many African cultures. It can be cooked in a similar way to quinoa.

Fonio, a gluten-free grain, has been cultivated in West Africa for hundreds of generations. It has been described as a good source of essential amino acids, iron, and zinc. Fonio can be used in porridge, couscous, and various other dishes.

Tamarind, a tropical fruit that grows in Africa, has been commonly used as a flavoring add-on. It contains great levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It can be used to make refreshing beverages, sauces, and chutneys.

North America:

North America has been inhabited over a long period of time, through which native cultures have made great discoveries of ingredients, have grown crops, and documented a wide array of nowadays common foods across our diet. Some of these ingredients have been documented as the greatest achievers worldwide in certain minerals, and nutrient levels. Here will go some of them

Kale. A leafy green, often underestimated, not only by babies, and children, also by adults. It has gained significant attention for its nutrient density. It has been a great source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium, and potassium. Kale can be used in salads, smoothies, and as a more nutritious alternative to other green leafed vegetables.

Salmon. Vegetarians, and vegans can skip this one. Pescatarians, omnivores, and bears proceed. Wild caught, sustainably sourced salmon can be a great addition to any diet due to is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been well known for their heart-protective benefits. Salmon has also been a good source of high-quality protein, and vitamins D, and B12. Avoid mass produced salmon, and check the labelling carefully. Not all salmon packed as “sustainably sourced” has been so.

Sweet Potatoes, a close relative to potatoes, and other root vegetables, comes packed with vitamins A, and C, as well as dietary fiber. They show a lower glycemic index compared to potatoes, and can be prepared in various delicious ways.

Pumpkin, more than other vegetables, can be described as a highly nutritious food. It's rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, essential for eye health, and immune function. Pumpkin seeds, are also nutrient-rich and provide healthy fats, and protein. Moreover, pumpkin seeds can be used as mood boosters, since they carry large amounts of tryptophan, a molecule that increases dopamine levels in the brain, which will relax you, and make you feel better.

Blueberries, like other berries, come with potent antioxidants, and beneficial phytonutrients. Also rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and dietary fiber, blueberries have been associated with various health benefits, including cognitive function, and heart health.


Although one of the most remote areas on the planet, one can easily find some ingredients which have been documented first in these great islands that form the Pacific. From the mangroves, dry desert, and coastline of Australia, to the shallow waters of coral reefs in Melanesia, this continent has much to offer, both from land, and ocean. Described as a rich native land, millenary cultures have used some of these beneficial gifts from nature as part of their daily practice for healing, and as food.

Macadamia nuts. Ranked high on the list of rich fatty acid carriers, these powerhouses of heart health provide also healthy amounts of essential minerals like magnesium, and manganese. Don’t even mention their rich, delicious flavour.

Coconut. A staple of many Pacific islands, nothing goes wasted from them: coconut water, oil, flesh, can all be used in various ways. Coconut oil, in particular, has gained world fame for its potential health benefits.

Taro. A starchy root vegetable that ranges in colour from whites to purples, has been a staple in many Pacific islands cultures. It has been documented as a great source of complex carbohydrates, and can provide dietary fibres, vitamins, and minerals.


The world has been gifted by Nature with delicious, and health packed produce, for us humans to share, and consume. On each continent, different plants have adapted to their environment, and have developed the ability to become not only edible, also great contributors to our health system, making them important sources of nutrients, and setting them as basic components of our diet.

It will be of great importance to highlight the fact that an authentic health, and enduring vitality will pivot not only on the edibles we take in. It will also be of great importance to keep the healthy habits, and behaviors one chooses. Hygiene, and avoiding dangerous, and detrimental habits will significantly improve our overall wellbeing in a similar, even greater amount to just eating healthily. That will make an overall change on our well being.

By incorporating a variated diet, with some superfoods in it, and choosing healthy habits, one can optimise ones health, and live a life of conscious choices, and contentment

Go live it

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