The Importance of Writing Clear Problem Statements for Design

The Importance of Writing Clear Problem Statements for Design

July 14, 2023
Product design

Design is about more than just how things look and how they work. Even though being able to make good designs is important, what really makes a good designer stand out is their ability to identify and explain the problems they want to fix. In this piece, we'll talk about how important it is to write good problem statements for both small and big design projects.

What is a "Problem Statement"?

A problem statement is a short explanation of the problem at hand, including how it should be solved and how. It helps the design team coordinate their work, outline their goals, and become genuinely interested in meeting those goals.

Why a good problem statement is important:

A well-written problem statement helps teams-

a. Work together toward the same goal.

b. Make it clear what they're trying to achieve.

c. Show that you really want to reach the goal.

As a creator, it's important to fully understand the problem before trying to come up with an answer. By describing the current problem, you can figure out where your knowledge is lacking and work to fill those holes. Albert Einstein once said, "If I only had an hour to save the world, I would spend fifty-five minutes figuring out what the problem was and 5 minutes figuring out how to fix it.

A problem statement should be a live record that can be looked at again and changed as needed.

Defining a Problem Statement:

Consider asking yourself the following questions to help you start with a good problem statement:

What problems are we trying to solve?

How can we be sure that this is a real problem?

Why is it important to solve?

Who uses our website?

What do they want and what drives them?

How will we know if the problem has been solved?

A well-defined problem statement helps the design team stay on track, focus on undiscovered needs, and come up with new ideas.

What makes a good problem statement?

1. In the form of a question: Start your problem statement with "How might we..." or "What can we do to..." to get people to think creatively when they are coming up with solutions.

2. Putting the user first: Frame the problem statement so that it's about the people you're creating for. Understanding their wants and goals is key to being able to relate to them and come up with good answers.

3. Focused, but open enough for creativity: Don't make problem statements that are too broad because they can lead to misunderstanding. Find a good mix between giving enough rules and requirements and leaving room for useful insights and contributions that you didn't expect.

How to Write a Problem Statement:

Defining and writing a problem statement can be done in a number of ways. Here are just a few:

1 - "How Might We "Use general questions like, "How can we get people to pay more attention to the ads we put up?" or "What could we do to make ads more interesting and immersive?" These questions start brainstorming talks, which lead to new ideas for how to solve problems.

2: Who, What, Where, When, and Why:

Think about the questions below:

Who is impacted by the problem?

Were does the problem start and end?

When does the problem happen?

Where does the problem happen?

Why is fixing the problem so important?

3: The Five 'Why's:

By asking "why" over and over, you can dig deeper into the problem and figure out what's going on. For example, if the problem is that a car won't start, asking "why" can help you figure out what's wrong.

Example of a Well-Written Problem Statement: People who order pizza from their phones find it hard and time-consuming to add delivery locations and to sign up.

In Conclusion, When facing a hard problem, it's normal to feel stressed and not know where to start. But if you take the time to ask questions and really look into the problem, you will see how to move forward.

A famous American inventor and social philosopher, Charles Kettering once said, “A problem well stated is half solved”. So, a clear statement of the problem will help you stay on track and make it more likely that you will find a good answer.

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