Will Apple's Vision Pro Glasses Be a Hit or Miss Like Google Glass?

Will Apple's Vision Pro Glasses Be a Hit or Miss Like Google Glass?

June 13, 2023
Product design

You know about Google Glass, right? It was a pair of special glasses with a small computer inside that you could control using your voice and movements. It was supposed to be really cool and change the way we live, but it didn't work out that way. Now, Apple has made something similar called the Vision Pro, and people are wondering if it will have the same problems.

Google Glass had a few issues that made it not very popular. First, it was really expensive, like a fancy toy only rich people could afford. Well, the Vision Pro is even more expensive! So, not many people will be able to buy it.

Another problem was that Google Glass didn't really do anything that people needed. It tried to solve problems that weren't really problems. Like, why look at the weather or find directions on your glasses when you can just use your phone? Plus, the battery didn't last very long, so it wasn't very useful.

The Vision Pro is being marketed as something you use at home for fun. You can watch movies or play games with it. But honestly, most people already have TVs and other devices for that. So, it's not something that everyone needs.

People also worried about safety and privacy with Google Glass. They were concerned that someone could secretly take their picture or record them without permission. The Vision Pro has even more advanced features, like scanning your face in 3D. That can be a little scary because people might use that information in ways we don't like.

Google Glass also came out before people were really ready for it. The technology wasn't quite right, and the internet wasn't as fast as it needed to be. The same might be true for the Vision Pro. Maybe we're still not quite ready for these fancy glasses.

Lastly, Google Glass didn't look very nice. It looked more like a weird gadget than something fashionable. The Vision Pro is also big and clunky, so it's not something you would wear out in public.

Some people think the Vision Pro is really cool and will be part of our future. Others have concerns about how it might affect our lives and privacy. It's really expensive right now, but maybe in the future, there will be better and cheaper versions that more people can enjoy.

So, we'll have to wait and see if the Vision Pro becomes popular or if it faces similar problems as Google Glass.

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